
EPC Selfconsumption PV system in Quart de Poblet

N5 constructed in April 2013 a new PV system under selfconsumption regime with sales of excess energy to the distribution network.

The facility is located in Quart de Poblet, and has a power of 11.5 kWp, and has been supplied as a turnkey contract. The system is formed by:

  • 1 unit Inverter Kaco Powador 12.0 TL
  • 48 units. 235 Wp modules P60 Atakama

The system is equipped with a monitoring and control system that allows the user to control self-consumed energy in real time, and manage their consumption to reduce the purchase of energy from utility.



    Certificación necesaria para las transacciones de compraventa y alquiler de inmuebles residenciales y terciarios

    Request a quote.

    Nerikeb-5, S.L.
    Avda. Francisco Cerda 49, Bajo
    46870 Ontinyent (Valencia)
    T:  +34 512 701 853
    M: +34 647 875 147
    M: +34 691 552 266