
120 MWp PV project selling energy to pool price. Spain

Advice and site evaluation, consulting on land contract, basic engineering design, utility permitting.

On developer demand N5, has provide consultancy services since the first step of the project.

  • Land research
  • Potential sites evaluation
  • Initial electrical infrastructure evaluation
  • Grid tie apply to distribution and transmission company (Iberdrola and Red Eléctrica)
  • Substation, transformer units, and power line design
  • Plant design, inverter buildings, modules lay-out

In those days the project is waiting for administrative authorization, and regional permits.

The project bussines model is based on electricity sales to pool price, without special regimen tariff, and to be competitive due to equipment reduced prices, and EPC price reduction due to large scale size.


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    Request a quote.

    Nerikeb-5, S.L.
    Avda. Francisco Cerda 49, Bajo
    46870 Ontinyent (Valencia)
    T:  +34 512 701 853
    M: +34 647 875 147
    M: +34 691 552 266