

Biomass is a residue of nature that can be converted into a renewable resource being CO2 neutral.

Biomass is a fuel from nature, and that can be delivered in several ways:

  • Pellets.
  • Woodchip
  • Stones and peels: olives, almonds, etc.

The fuel efficiency is accomplished by biomass boilers or by adapting existing boilers, in which the burner is modified for the use pellets.

The use of biomass, can achieve cost savings compared to fossil fuels up to 60% of the total cost.

The range of use ca be from small residential (11 kW) to industrial facility (50 kW to megawatt sizes).

The replacement of boilers for biomass equipment can receive grants of up to 45% of the total investment through funds managed by IDEA, and AVEN.

Today you can manage biomass supply contracts long term, competitively priced, that can generate ongoing savings.



    Certificación necesaria para las transacciones de compraventa y alquiler de inmuebles residenciales y terciarios

    Request a quote.

    Nerikeb-5, S.L.
    Avda. Francisco Cerda 49, Bajo
    46870 Ontinyent (Valencia)
    T:  +34 512 701 853
    M: +34 647 875 147
    M: +34 691 552 266